I grew up in Mahomet Illinois, a small town in Central Illinois, and went to Mahomet Seymour High School. I went to the University of Chicago in 2020, originally pursuing a degree in Neuroscience and Psychology, but quickly pivoted in an interest to follow a lifelong passion for basketball data, as well as avoid a lifelong distaste for chemistry. I began interning for the University of Chicago Basketball Team, in charge of creating an array of reports and presenting data on how to optimize offensive output for returning players. I worked for the team for two seasons, continuing reports, as well as attending practices and coaches' meetings. In June 2024, I graduated from the University of Chicago with a degree in Data Science. Two days later, I began working for the Sacramento Kings as a Business Intelligence Intern, creating internal systems and dashboards to automate and improve data processes, informing business decisions in multiple departments, including Marketing and Corporate Partnerships. I now work with the Kings' Basketball Analytics Department as a Basketball Data Engineering Intern, continuing to grow in my experience with R, ETL, and basketball data.